
Musk sees major role for AI, but not in space exploration
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SpaceX CEO Elon Musk on Monday (May 6) said he sees great potential for artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance human civilisation, but not when it comes to space travel. "Oddly enough, one of the areas where there's almost no AI used is space exploration," Musk told attendees of the 27th annual Milken Institute Global Conference. "I'll ask it questions about the Fermi paradox, about rocket engine design, about electrochemistry. And so far the AI has been terrible at all those questions. So there's still a long way to go." Asked about the potential threat from artificial intelligence, Musk said AI must be programmed to be "truth-seeking" and "maximally curious," but warned human or "biological" intelligence will ultimately account for less than 1% of all intelligence, with AI accounting for the rest. -Report from Reuters For more News Digital News Raw Cuts, click the link below: Subscribe to the ABS-CBN News channel! - http://bit.l
Run time: 03:47
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So, Ilan, you know, a lot of times you say things, me or you, and they edit them.
So, I noticed this panel description was a conversation...
I mean, AI might be the most important question of all.
I mean, the percentage of intelligence that is biological, you know, grows smaller with each passing month.
Eventually, the percentage of intelligence that is biological will be less than 1%.
That's actually not what... I mean, we just, I guess, don't want AI that is brittle.
If the AI is somehow brittle, you know, silicon circuit boards don't do well just out in the elements.
So, I think biological intelligence can serve as a...
a backstop, as a buffer of intelligence.
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