
Maja Blanca | Panlasang Pinoy
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This is a tutorial on how to prepare Maja Blanca or coconut pudding. Get the details of this recipe here Maja blanca is a yummy Filipino dessert made from starch and coconut milk. Coconut pudding is also a famous name for this dish. Maja Blanca is a simple and easy dessert to prepare. This version makes use of an additional ingredient: corn. This makes this Maja Blanca version one of the variations, which is more known as Maja Mais. Maja blanca is similar to gelatin or “gulaman” in terms of texture. It has an off-white color because of the coconut milk. Maja is best served chilled with some toasted grated coconut or latik on top. Other names for Maja blanca are: maja maíz, maja maís, and maja blanca con maíz
Panlasang Pinoy
Run time: 06:38
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