
The cheesier the better. Made 3 simple but tasty dishes using Dairy Master’s cheese!
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#DairyMasterPH #ChefJPAnglo #CheeseSauce #TrustedByChefs #TrustedByDistributors
Chef JP Anglo
Run time: 11:11
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Tagal na tayo hindi nakapagluto dito sa bahay and it's good to be home. It's good to be back in my own kitchen here in Manila and luluto ako para sa ating mga guards.
Bibigay ko sa kanila to after. So you guys might be wondering what this is. So let me explain.
Okay so gagawa tayo ng three recipes in 10 to 15 minutes. Try natin. So it's a Dairy Master's Cheddar Cheese Sauce Mix. Ito siya.
So it's a cheese powder that has a very very long shelf life. One year basta room temp lang. And tingnan mo yung kulay oh.
Yes. Powdered form yan. Super super easy to do. Ang gagawin nyo lang ay ihalo nyo lang siya sa mainit na tubig and wala. Meron ka ng cheese sauce mix pero papakita ko sa inyo.
Warm water. Ang ratio natin dito is 4 is to 1. So 4 parts water and 1 part cheese. So 3, 4. Cheese powder.
Tignan nyo yung kulay. Ang ganda oh. Oh. Can you smell it? Ang bangun oh.
Yan yung sinasabi ko sa inyo na yung kulay niya ay ang ganda.
Smells really good. It does.
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